Now that my 365 days of happiness project is done I now need to figure out what to do with this blog.
While i was considering ideas i looked at what i do to make myself happy. I have found that I do a few things mood is better and I feel less stressed out. Those are:
-working out-seems simple but I'm discovering that I am a nicer/less stressed person if I work out on a regular basis. Right now I'm at 4 days a week either going into my local Curves or using either Zumba or Your Fitness Evolved for the XBox.
-spending time with my boyfriend
-reading-I thank my Kindle for letting me do this one...
-writing-exercising the creative person in me and working on the story ideas I have bouncing around in my head.
Now I have the first 3 taken care of but...I let my writing fall by the wayside way to often. So...I am committing to do something small but for me...incredibly important.
I am going to commit to writing at least 10 minutes a day. And to make the stakes a little higher and having something to hold myself accountable I am going to transform this 1 photo a day blog into my 10 minutes a day blog.
This means I am going to post the random scenes that pop into my head, conversations that I overhear, what I am looking at, or if I get stumped for what to write about I will choose a tweet from @toastedcheese. This will not be a place I air what is going on in my life...directly. What I choose to write about may reflect what I write though...
to make this fair... I am going to set some rules for myself:
-10 minutes a day. Posted that day if writing is done on my phone
-if writing is done in my notebook during the day. I give myself 1 day to transcribe it into a post.
- if I choose a tweet from @toastedcheese I will put the tweet at the beginning of the post
-if my writing is inspired by a photo, I will post the photo
I think that's it...I want to thank you for sticking with me last year. It was a lot of fun looking at the different countries that were looking at my blog. I really hope that you stick with me for this next year!
Day one starts tomorrow!
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